• Carla Burran, MA-PC

    Pastoral Counselor

    Welcome to Roots By The River Counseling


    Carla Burran, MAPC, CCTSII, MA ART

    broken image

    Choosing a counselor can be difficult, especially if it is your first time seeking care. I welcome you to call or make an appointment so we can talk about your needs and your goals for counseling. There is no charge for your initial consultation by phone.

    My desire is to come along side of you as your counselor to help you to:

    • Find healing from pain due to trauma, loss, illness, abuse, betrayal or neglect.
    • Find hope, joy, and love in your relationships
    • Find enduring faith through the storms of life
    • Find love, acceptance, and forgiveness for yourself and others.

    As a Christian counselor, I am dependent on the Holy Spirit to provide the guidance needed to help my clients. In addition, my training consist of protocols that have been proven effective by evidence based, scientific research.


    As a trauma specialist, I am masters level trained in Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART). ART provides a new approach to trauma therapy which does not re-traumatize the client, but rather provides a method of keeping the client calm and relaxed throughout the evidence based protocol, which involves memory reconsolidation. I have had my ART advanced certication for over 2 years and have completed well over 500 sessions. Please see our videos & testimonials for more information about this ground breaking new trauma therapy.


    My formal education includes a Masters of Arts Degree in Pastoral Counseling: Marriage & Family from Liberty University. I earned my Bachelors of Arts Degree in Psychology from the University of Georgia. I worked extensively for over 25 years as a Certified Behavior Consultant for various organizations, utilizing DISC Personality & Temperament Training. My additional certifications and training are listed below.


    Before I became a professional counselor, I spent 30 years in the business world, moving from a corporate environment to being an entrepreneur and small business owner. I believe my life experience in the business world gives me a unique perspective when dealing with the pressures of balancing work and home, setting boundaries for a healthy lifestyle, and dealing with challenging interpersonal relationships at work.


    I work with adults, adolescents. and couples. Whatever you are struggling with, please remember that God did not create us to be alone with our pain or confusion, reach out and take a chance on improving your quality of life today!


    Many Blessings on Your Journey,

    Carla Burran




    Advanced Studies and Certifications :

    • Accelerated Resolution Therapy: Masters level certified
    • P.A.I.R Suicide Prevention and Intervention.
    • Advanced Trauma Informed Therapy for Complex PTSD
    • Critical Care and Trauma Specialist II
    • Grief & Complex Bereavement
    • DISC Personality Behavior Consultant
    • DISC Personality Behavioral Life Coach
    • Prepare and Enrich Marriage and Pre-Marital Certified Instructor
    • SYMBIS: Certified Instructor Marriage Counseling
    • Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University Facilitator

    Affiliations & Memberships:

    • The American Association of Christian Counselors, Following all protocols and ethical standards of the AACC
    • American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC)
    • Interned at Bridge of Hope Counseling Center, Lexington SC